Ambush (While this is in your arsenal, you may defend with it.)
When this defends, create a Crouching Tiger in your banished zone. You may play it during your next turn.
Whenever this defends, create a Quicken token under another hero's control.
Temper (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, put a -1{d} counter on it, then if it has 0{d}, destroy it.)
Legendary (You may only have 1 Will of Arcana in your deck.)
When this is pitched, amp 1. (The next time you would deal arcane damage this turn, instead deal that much plus 1.)
When this leaves the arena, if you've pitched a blue card this turn, create a Spectral Shield token.
Ward 3 (If you would be dealt damage, destroy this to prevent 3 of that damage.)
Beat Chest (As an additional cost to play this, you may discard a card with 6 or more {p}.)
When this attacks, if you've beaten chest this turn, create an Agility token.
Once per Turn Action -- {r}: Attack
This gets +2{d} while defending a weapon attack.
Blade Break (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, destroy it.)
If you have a base arms equipped, transform it into this, then equip this. (Put it under this in your arms zone.)
When this defends, you may destroy a card under it. If you do, gain control of target item with cost 0 or 1 controlled by the attacking hero.
Temper (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, put a -1{d} counter on it, then if it has 0{d}, destroy it.)
When this hits, put it into your hero's soul and deal 1 arcane damage to target hero.
Phantasm (When this is defended by a non-Illusionist attack action card with 6 or more {p}, destroy this and close the combat chain.)
When this hits, put it into your hero's soul and deal 1 arcane damage to target hero.
Phantasm (When this is defended by a non-Illusionist attack action card with 6 or more {p}, destroy this and close the combat chain.)
When this hits, put it into your hero's soul and create a Spectral Shield token.
Phantasm (When this is defended by a non-Illusionist attack action card with 6 or more {p}, destroy this and close the combat chain.)
You may play this from your banished zone.
The next attack action card you rune gate this turn gets +5{p}.
Go again
Blood Debt (While this is in your banished zone, at the beginning of your end phase, lose 1{g}.)