If you control a Hyper Driver, this costs {r} less to play.
Boost (As an additional cost to play this, you may banish the top card of your deck. If it's a Mechanologist card, this gains go again.)
Scrap (As an additional cost to play this, you may banish an item or equipment from your graveyard.)
When this attacks, if it scrapped a card, this gets overpower.(This can't be defended by more than 1 action card.)
If you have a base arms equipped, transform it into this, then equip this. (Put it under this in your arms zone.)
Once per Turn Instant -- Destroy a card under this: Your next weapon attack this turn gets +1{p}.
Blade Break (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, destroy it.)
If you have a base legs equipped, transform it into this, then equip this. (Put it under this in your legs zone.)
Once per Turn Instant -- Destroy a card under this: Create a Quicken token.
Blade Break (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, destroy it.)
Crank (As this enters the arena, you may remove a steam counter from it. If you do, gain an action point.)
This enters the arena with a steam counter. At the start of your turn, destroy this unless you remove a steam counter from it.
Instant -- Remove a steam counter from this: Prevent the next 1 damage that would be dealt to you this turn. If this has no steam counters, destroy it.