Growl (Yellow)
Growl (Yellow) $0.75
When this attacks, the next Crouching Tiger you play this combat chain gets +1{p}. Go again
Healing Potion
Healing Potion $0.75
Action -- Destroy this: Gain 2{g}. Go again
Energy Potion
Energy Potion $0.75
Instant -- Destroy this: Gain {r}{r}
Quickstep $0.75
Action -- Destroy this: Each hero creates a Quicken token. Go again
Heart-throb $0.75
Action -- Destroy this: Each hero creates a Vigor token. Go again
Nom de Plume
Nom de Plume $0.75
Action -- Destroy this: Each hero draws a card. Go again
Chivalry (Blue)
Chivalry (Blue) $0.75
Protect (You may defend any hero attacked by an opponent with this.)
Earthlore Empowerment (Red)
Earthlore Empowerment (Red) $0.75
At the start of your turn, destroy this, then the next Guardian attack action card you play this turn costs {r} less to play and gets +5{p}.
Crash Down (Red)
Crash Down (Red) $0.75
At the start of your turn, destroy this, then the next Guardian attack action card you play this turn gets +6{p}.
Bastion of Duty
Bastion of Duty $0.75
Protect (You may defend any hero attacked by an opponent with this.) Temper (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, put a -1{d} counter on it, then if it has 0{d}, destroy it.)
Brevant, Civic Protector
Brevant, Civic Protector $0.75
You may have any number of Chivalry in your deck. Whenever you protect another hero, create a Might token.
Evo Rapid Fire
Evo Rapid Fire $0.75
If you have a base legs equipped, transform it into this, then equip this. (Put it under this in your legs zone.) Your Teklo Blaster attacks get go again. Battleworn (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, put a -1{d} counter on it.)
Evo Scatter Shot
Evo Scatter Shot $0.75
If you have a base arms equipped, transform it into this, then equip this. (Put it under this in your arms zone.) Your Teklo Blaster gets +1{p} for each opposing hero. Battleworn (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, put a -1{d} counter on it.)
Evo Energy Matrix
Evo Energy Matrix $0.75
If you have a base chest equipped, transform it into this, then equip this. (Put it under this in your chest zone.) Your Teklo Blaster costs {r} less to activate for each opposing hero. Battleworn (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, put a -1{d} counter on it.)
Evo Tekloscope
Evo Tekloscope $0.75
If you have a base head equipped, transform it into this, then equip this. (Put it under this in your head zone.) Your Teklo Blaster attacks can target any opposing hero. Battleworn (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, put a -1{d} counter on it.)
Salt the Wound (Yellow)
Salt the Wound (Yellow) $0.55
This gets +1{p} for each attack that has hit this combat chain.
Crazy Brew
Crazy Brew $0.55
Action -- Destroy this: Roll a 6 sided die. On; 1 or 2 - Lose 2{g}. Go again 3 or 4 - Gain 2{g}. Go again 5 or 6 - Gain {r}{r}, gain 2 action points, and your next attack this turn gets +2{p}.
Civic Guide
Civic Guide $0.55
Whenever this defends, create a Might token under another hero's control. Temper (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, put a -1{d} counter on it, then if it has 0{d}, destroy it.)
Civic Duty
Civic Duty $0.55
Whenever this defends, create a Vigor token under another hero's control. Temper (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, put a -1{d} counter on it, then if it has 0{d}, destroy it.)
Civic Peak
Civic Peak $0.55
Whenever this defends, another target hero draws a card. Temper (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, put a -1{d} counter on it, then if it has 0{d}, destroy it.)
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