Legendary (You may only have 1 Sacred Art: Immortal Lunar Shrine in a constructed deck.)If you've played another blue card this turn, choose 3. Otherwise, choose 1;Create 2 Spectral Shield tokens.Put a +1POWER counter on each aura with ward you control.Transcend
Legendary (You may only have 1 Sacred Art: Undercurrent Desires in a constructed deck.)If you've played another blue card this turn, choose 3. Otherwise, choose 1;Create a Fang Strike and Slither in your hand.Banish up to 2 cards in an opposing hero's graveyard.Transcend
Reduce to Runechant costs [1 Resource] less to play for each Runechant you control.
Create a Runechant token. (It's an aura with "When you play an attack action card or attack with a weapon, destroy Runechant and deal 1 arcane damage to target opposing hero.")
If an opposing hero has 1 or more cards in their soul, you may play this from your banished zone.
When this hits a hero, banish a card from their soul.
Blood Debt (While this is in your banished zone, at the beginning of your end phase, lose 1{g}.)
Dromai or Fai Specialization (You may only have Rise Up in your deck if your hero is Dromai or Fai.)
Rupture - If Rise Up is played as chain link 4 or higher, it has dominate and +X{p}, where X is twice the number of Phoenix Flames you control. (The defending hero can't defend with or play more than 1 defending card or defense reaction from their hand this chain link.)
Once per Turn Action - [1 Resource]: Attack
If Dawnblade hits, and it's the second time it has hit this turn, put a +1 [Power] counter on Dawnblade.
At the beginning of your end phase, if Dawnblade did not hit this turn, remove all +1 [Power] counters from Dawnblade.