When this defends, clash with the attacking hero. The winner creates a Might token. (Clashing heroes reveal the top card of their deck. The hero that reveals the card with greatest {p} wins.)
You have 1 weapon zone. (You may only have one 1H weapon or off-hand equipped.)
Attack action cards you own get +1{p} while they are in any zone other than the combat chain.
The first time you discard a card with 6 or more {p} during each of your action phases, create a Might token.
When this defends, clash with the attacking hero. The winner creates an Agility token. (Clashing heroes reveal the top card of their deck. The hero that reveals the card with greatest {p} wins.)
When this defends, clash with the attacking hero. The winner creates a Gold token. (Clashing heroes reveal the top card of their deck. The hero that reveals the card with greatest {p} wins.)
When this defends, clash with the attacking hero. The winner creates an Agility token. (Clashing heroes reveal the top card of their deck. The hero that reveals the card with greatest {p} wins.)
Whenever an attack you control wagers, you may pay {r}{r}. If you do, the attack gets +1{p} and overpower. (It can't be defended by more than 1 action card.)
Universal (While in any zone, this is the same class as your hero.)
When this attacks a hero, you may wager a Gold token with them. (When this chain link resolves, if this hit, you create a Gold token, otherwise they create one.)
Kayo Specialization (You may only have this in your deck if your hero is Kayo.)
Roll a 6 sided die. Gain action points equal to half the number rolled, rounded down.
If you've rolled a 6 on a die this turn, draw a card.
Bloodied Oval's {d} is equal to the number of opposing heroes with greater {g} than you.
Blade Break (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, destroy it.)
Your next attack this turn gets +3{p} and "When this attacks a hero, you may wager a Gold token with them." (When the chain link resolves, if the attack hit, you create a Gold token, otherwise they create one.)
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