Viserai Specialization (You may only have this in your deck if your hero is Viserai.)
Create X Runechant tokens.
If X is 6 or greater, target hero discards 3 random cards.
Scrap (As an additional cost to play this, you may banish an item or equipment from your graveyard.)
Scrap (As an additional cost to play this, you may banish an item or equipment from your graveyard.)
Gain {r}{r} for each card this scrapped.
Choose 2;
Equip a base equipment with Proto in its name from your inventory.
Evo permanents you control get +1{d} this turn.
Put this under an Evo permanent you control.
You may banish an Evo from your hand. If you do, draw a card.
If you have a base arms equipped, transform it and X Hyper Drivers you control into this, then equip this. If you do, the next time you would be dealt damage this turn, prevent twice X of that damage. (Put the transformed cards under this in your arms zone.)
Whenever you boost an attack action card, you may destroy a card under this. If you do, the attack gets +2{p}.
If you have a base chest equipped, transform it into this, then equip this.
When this transforms from or into an Evo with a different name, gain {r}{r}{r}. If that Evo is a hero, instead this triggers twice.
Temper (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, put a -1{d} counter on it, then if it has 0{d}, destroy it.)
Riptide Specialization (You may only have this in your deck if your hero is Riptide.)
(Arrows can only be played from arsenal and only if you control a bow.)
When this hits a hero, they create a Courage and Quicken token.
If you have a base head equipped, transform it into this, then equip this.
When this transforms from or into an Evo with a different name, your hero gets +1{i} until end of turn. If that Evo is a hero, instead this triggers twice.
Temper (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, put a -1{d} counter on it, then if it has 0{d}, destroy it.)
Evo Upgrade - The defending hero must defend this with X equipment they control with -1{d} counters if able, where X is the number of Evos you have equipped.
Crank (As this enters the arena, you may remove a steam counter from it. If you do, gain an action point.)
This enters the arena with a steam counter. At the start of your turn, destroy this unless you remove a steam counter from it.
Your Mechanologist attack action cards get +1{p}.
Whenever you banish a Hyper Driver from boosting, put it under this.
Once per turn, when a Hyper Driver is put under this, if there are 3 or more Hyper Drivers under this, draw a card.
Battleworn (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, put a -1{d} counter on it.)
Crank (As this enters the arena, you may remove a steam counter from it. If you do, gain an action point.)
This enters the arena with a steam counter. At the start of your turn, destroy this unless you remove a steam counter from it.
Once per Turn Instant -- 0: Put a Mechanologist item with cost 0 or 1 from your hand into the arena.
Crank (As this enters the arena, you may remove a steam counter from it. If you do, gain an action point.)
This enters the arena with a steam counter. At the start of your turn, destroy this unless you remove a steam counter from it.
Once per Turn Instant -- 0: Reveal the top card of your deck. Put a Mechanologist item of the same color from your banished zone on top of your deck.
Once per Turn Action -- {r}: Banish the top 2 cards of your deck. Gain {r} for each Mechanologist card banished this way. Activate this ability only if you've boosted this turn. Go again
Battleworn (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, put a -1{d} counter on it.)
At the start of your turn, if this has fewer than 3 energy counters, you may put an energy counter on it.
Instant -- Remove 3 energy counters from this: Gain {r}
Blade Break (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, destroy it.)
Once per Turn Action -- {r}{r}: Create a Hyper Driver token with 2 steam counters. Activate this ability only if you've boosted this turn.
Hyper Drivers you control get crank. (As it enters the arena, you may remove a steam counter from it. If you do, gain an action point.)
You may look at the top card of your deck at any time.
Once per turn, you may play a Mechanologist item with cost 0 or 1 from the top of your deck as though it were an instant. It costs an additional {r} to play.
If you have 1 or more Evos equipped, this gets "When this hits a hero, destroy all cards defending this,"
2 or more, this costs {r}{r}{r} less to play,
3 or more, this gets overpower,
4 or more, this gets +3{p}.