Legendary Teklovossen Specialization (You may only have 1 Singularity in your deck, and only if your hero is Teklovossen.)
Transform your hero, your weapon, and 4 Evos you have equipped into Teklovossen, the Mechropotent. It enters the arena with {g} equal to the hero it transformed from. Action -- {r}{r}{r}, banish 2 cards from your soul: Attack
Whenever this attacks a hero, they discard a card.
Your Mechanologist attack action cards get go again.
This counts as having 4 Evos equipped.
Battleworn (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, put a -1{d} counter on it.)
If you've banished a card with 6 or more {p} this turn, this gets +1{p}.
Blood Debt (While this is in your banished zone, at the beginning of your end phase, lose 1{g}.)
If you've charged this turn, your attacks get +1{p} while defended by an attack action card.
Attack Reaction -- Banish a card from Boltyn's soul: Target attack with {p} greater than its base gets go again.
Scrap (As an additional cost to play this, you may banish an item or equipment from your graveyard.)
When this attacks, if it scrapped a card, put a steam counter on an item you control with crank.
If you control a Hyper Driver, this costs {r} less to play.
Boost (As an additional cost to play this, you may banish the top card of your deck. If it's a Mechanologist card, this gains go again.)
Scrap (As an additional cost to play this, you may banish an item or equipment from your graveyard.)
When this attacks, if it scrapped a card, this gets +1{p}.
If you control a Hyper Driver, this costs {r} less to play.
Boost (As an additional cost to play this, you may banish the top card of your deck. If it's a Mechanologist card, this gains go again.)
Scrap (As an additional cost to play this, you may banish an item or equipment from your graveyard.)
When this attacks, if it scrapped a card, this gets overpower. (This can't be defended by more than 1 action card.)