Instant -- Destroy this: Gain {r}. Activate this only if you've attacked with a Crouching Tiger this turn.
Battleworn (When the combat chain closes, if this defended, put a -1{d} counter on it.
Ephemeral (This can't start the game in your deck. If this would be put into your graveyard, instead remove it from the game.)Target attack action card gets go again.
Legendary (You may only have 1 Sacred Art: Undercurrent Desires in a constructed deck.)If you've played another blue card this turn, choose 3. Otherwise, choose 1;Create a Fang Strike and Slither in your hand.Banish up to 2 cards in an opposing hero's graveyard.Transcend
If an opposing hero has 1 or more cards in their soul, you may play this from your banished zone.
When this hits a hero, banish a card from their soul.
Blood Debt (While this is in your banished zone, at the beginning of your end phase, lose 1{g}.)
Combo - If Twin Twisters or Spinning Wheel Kick was the last attack this combat chain, this has +1{p} and "When this hits, put it on the bottom of its owner's deck."
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